Growing Entrepreneurship in Penn State's Ag Space

How does a group of faculty go about infusing the concept of entrepreneurship into a large agricultural college? In this work we describe our ongoing journey with entrepreneurship in Penn State’s Ag space. Since its inception in 2006, the College of Agricultural SciencesEntrepreneurship Initiative has experienced several states of transition and recently has gained significant momentum. Our charge is to develop entrepreneurs across the college’s students, faculty, alumni, and external constituents. We will discuss our successes, failures, and lessons learned during our journey over the last five years. We will discuss enlisting the college’s entrepreneurial hybrids across students, faculty, and alumni, pollinating crossuniversity entrepreneurship networks, avoiding the blight of debating entrepreneurship, and pressing on with the chore of cultivating entrepreneurship in our college. These topics will be framed with the question: How do we keep entrepreneurship growing in Penn State’s Ag space?
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