Reservation system in india: advantages and disadvantages

Reservation is the most debated topic in the country. A large number of people favor it. Reservation is not the topic of today, it was introduced by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar while drafting the constitution of India. He intended to empower the weaker sections of society and uplift the unprivileged sections of society in many aspects. He also put a time limit of 10 years for this, but unfortunately, as the political involvement in the amendment of constitution started it is been continued even today, In today's society it is the reservation which is the main reason for the difference in our society. Due to this, the competition was increasing for every job and many people are becoming unemployed. The greedy politicians are utilizing their votes by mentioning their caste and still pushing reservations forward. The politicians are benefited from the reservation but not the public. They only fight for their power and do not consider our problems. The public must feel that reservation must be an option but not a platform for everyone. Government should also make sure that every citizen in this country gets an equal chance with others. Reservation based on caste, creed, minority, etc, should be abolished from the system.
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