Closed-loop acoustic stimulation enhances sleep oscillations but not memory performance

ABSTRACT Slow-oscillations and spindle activity during non-REM sleep have been implicated in memory consolidation. Closed-loop acoustic stimulation has previously been shown to enhance slow oscillations and spindle activity during sleep and improve verbal associative memory. We assessed the effect of closed-loop acoustic stimulation during a daytime nap on a virtual reality spatial navigation task in 12 healthy human subjects in a randomized within-subject crossover design. We show robust enhancement of slow-spindle activity during sleep. However, no effects on behavioral performance were observed when comparing real versus sham stimulation. To explore whether memory enhancement effects were task-specific and dependent on nocturnal sleep, in a second experiment with 19 healthy subjects, we aimed to replicate a previous study which used closed-loop acoustic stimulation to enhance memory for word pairs. Methods were as close as possible to the original study, except we used a double-blind protocol, in which both subject and experimenter were unaware of the test condition. Again, we successfully enhanced slow-spindle power, but again did not strengthen associative memory performance with stimulation. We conclude that enhancement of slow-spindle oscillations may be insufficient to enhance memory performance in spatial navigation or verbal association tasks, and provide possible explanations for lack of behavioral replication. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Prior studies have demonstrated that a closed-loop acoustic pulse paradigm during sleep can enhance verbal memory performance. This technique has widespread scientific and clinical appeal due to its non-invasive nature and ease of application. We tested with a rigorous double-blind design whether this technique could enhance key sleep rhythms associated sleep-dependent memory performance. We discovered that we could reliably enhance slow and spindle rhythms, but did not improve memory performance in the stimulation condition compared to sham condition. Our findings suggest that enhancing slow-spindle rhythms is insufficient to enhance sleep-dependent learning.
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