Educación a distancia en tiempo de pandemia en Paraguay

espanolLa investigacion tuvo como objetivo analizar los factores que intervienen en la educacion a distancia en tiempo de pandemia en Paraguay. La metodologia empleada es cuantitativa y emplea un estudio de corte instrumental con diseno transversal-descriptivo. Para la recoleccion de informacion se aplico un cuestionario ad hoc, distribuido por medio de Google Form, en el que participaron 1947 personas, todos del ambito educativo de Paraguay desde Educacion Inicial hasta Educacion Superior. Como resultados de la investigacion se obtuvieron que para llevar a cabo la ensenanza a distancia el mayor recurso con el que disponen los docentes son los telefonos moviles con acceso a Internet y casi el 50% tienen una frecuencia de uso diaria. Sobre la formacion en TIC se evidencian que quienes han recibido mayor formacion son los de Educacion Superior, la formacion recibida en Educacion Media y Educacion Escolar Basica es insuficiente y quienes menos han recibido formacion son los de Educacion Infantil. Asimismo, se comprueba que la formacion en TIC permite desarrollar las competencias digitales de los docentes. Para la atencion de los estudiantes durante este periodo de la pandemia los medios mas utilizados son la plataforma educativa del MEC y la Mensajeria Instantanea (WhatsApp). EnglishThe objective of the research was to analyze the factors that intervene in distance education during a pandemic in Paraguay. The methodology used is quantitative and employs an instrumental study with a cross-descriptive design. For the collection of information, an ad hoc questionnaire was applied, distributed through the google form, in which 1947 people participated, all from the educational field of Paraguay from Initial Education to Higher Education. And as a result of the research, the greatest resource available to teachers is mobile phones with Internet access and almost 50% have a frequency of daily use to carry out distance learning. Regarding the ICT training of teachers, it is evident that they have received more training are those of higher education, the training received in middle and basic education is insufficient and those who have received less training are those of early childhood education. Likewise, it is verified that ICT training allows teachers to develop their digital skills. For the attention of students during this period of the pandemic, the most used means are the MEC educational platform and Instant Messaging (WhatsApp).
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