Spinor Bose-Einstein condensates in triangular optical lattices

The physics of quantum degenerate cold gases in optical lattices has rapidly grown to an extremely dynamic field over the past few years. In the experimental realizations, however, mainly cubic symmetries (or their two- and one-dimensional projections) are considered. We have implemented an optical lattice with an underlying triangular symmetry in order to investigate strongly correlated ultra-cold atoms in a novel experimental geometry. Exhibiting an explicit polarization dependence (compare figure 1) the optical lattice realized here should allow for the creation and analysis of thus far unexplored magnetic phases. Experiments attending to the quantum phase transition from a superfluid to a Mott-insulating state in a three- as well as in a two-dimensional system with triangular symmetry have been performed. Similarities as well as differences to the findings obtained in cubic lattices will be discussed and can be attributed to the inherent differences in the crucial lattice parameters such as tunneling energy J and on-site interaction U.
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