Estimation of direct and maternal genetic and permanent environmental effects for weights from birth to 356 days of age in a herd of Japanese Black cattle using random regression

A total of 11,815 weight records from 23,94 Japanese Black calves was used to estimate di- rect, maternal, direct permanent environmental, and maternal permanent environmental effects on growth from birth to 356 d of age. The data were collected from a herd of Japanese Black cattle in Shiroshi city, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. A random regression model, includ- ing parity of dam and year-season of calving-sex of calf as fixed effects and animal, dam, animal permanent environmental, and maternal permanent environmen- tal as random effects, was fitted to the data using Leg- endre polynomials for age of calf. Direct heritability estimates increased from 0.38 at birth to 0.65 at 120 d of age, decreased to 0.38 at 300 d, and then increased again up to 0.47 at 356 d. The ratio of animal permanent environmental variance to phenotypic variance de-
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