How faculty from Rijeka and Split use web-based scientific literature: Analysis based on four variables

We have explored the extent to which faculty use various web sources of scientific literature. The findings were analyzed in relation to four variables: age and gender of study participants; field of science in which they work; their practices of exchanging scientific literature. The questionnaire was sent to employees at the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as to the employees of various science faculties in Croatian cities Split and Rijeka. It was found out that there are significant differences in use of web portals. More than half of participants from the fields of social sciences and humanities use very frequently Croatian portal Hrcak, in relation to only 4% of participants from the field of natural sciences. For participants in humanities the Croatian portals are most important. Scientists from the field of social sciences mostly use foreign portals. Scientists from the field of natural sciences are the most frequent users of pirate portals. It was established that older participants use most frequently Croatian portals. Younger participants most frequently use foreign and pirate portals. Croatian and foreign web portals are most frequently used by female participants, while male participants are most frequent users of pirate portals.
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