Distribution of radiological density in bone regenerate in relation to cyclic displacements of bone fragments.

We asked how bone fragment displacement could influence the distribution of radiological density in bone regenerate formed during the process of bone lengthening. The metatarsi of 21 sheep were lengthened by 20 mm by the Ilizarov method. The bone fragments were externally fixed with a specially designed ring external fixator equipped with linear actuator driver system. The test sheep were divided into three experimental groups: the G1 and G2 groups (N = 8) and the GR group (N = 5) – the reference group. In the case of sheep from the G1 and G2 groups, the lengthening was supplemented with mechanical stimulation of the regenerate in the form of cyclic bone fragment displacements (CBFDs) with the amplitudes of 1 mm (G1) and 2 mm (G1). Mechanical stimulation was applied over 30 days for 1 h per day with a frequency of 1 Hz. Eight weeks after the procedure the sheep were sacrificed in accordance with the required procedures. The analysis of the degree of bone regenerate mineralization involved the studies based on the CT scanning. The analysis of the results obtained is based on the paramenter called the degree of regenerate mineralization (RMD). The analysis of radiological density was carried out in the selected measurement areas. Such an area was located in three horizontal zones, taking into account the regenerate height, i.e. in its middle part (half regenerate length); the top part, 2 mm from the edge of the proximal fragment; and the bottom part, 2 mm from the edge of the distal fragment. The value of the RMD parameter varies significantly, depending on the bone regenerate area. The results obtained show that the CBFD = 2 mm accelerates the rate of mineralization of an eight-week-old regenerate. In the case of CBFD = 1 mm, the mineralization rate is lower by more than a dozen per cent.
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