Prediction of Placenta Abrubtion without Risk Factors [Risk Faktoru Olmadan Meydana Gelen Plasenta Dekolmani Onceden Ongorulebilir mi?]

Many studies in the literature have shown the assosiation between serum analits of first and second trimester screening test with intra uterin growth retardation and abrubtio placenta.However these markers role in the predicting of placental abrubtion is unclear. We aimed in this study,is there any relationship between placental abrubtion without risk factors and first and seconder trimester screening markers. 120 term pregnant women who gave birth by Caesarean section has been included in this retrospective study, patients and controls were compared for the 1st and 2nd trimester serum markers levels. Fetal nuchal translucency measurements were significantly higher in the study group than control group. This study emphasizes that increased fatal nuchal transluency is more important than serum biomarkers of first and second trimester screening tests.
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