Power-law energy distributions of small-scale impulsive events on the active Sun: Results from IRIS.

Numerous studies have analysed inferred power-law distributions between frequency and energy of impulsive events in the outer solar atmosphere in an attempt to understand the predominant energy supply mechanism in the corona. Here, we apply a burst detection algorithm to high-resolution imaging data obtained by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph to further investigate the derived power-law index, $\gamma$, of bright impulsive events in the transition region. Applying the algorithm with a constant minimum event lifetime (of either $60$ s or $110$ s) indicated that the target under investigation, such as Plage and Sunspot, has an influence on the observed power-law index. For regions dominated by sunspots, we always find $\gamma 2$ in the energy range [$\sim10^{23}$, $\sim10^{26}$] erg. Applying the algorithm with a minimum event lifetime of three timesteps indicated that cadence was another important factor, with the highest cadence datasets returning $\gamma >2$ values. The estimated total radiative power obtained for the observed energy distributions is typically 10-25 % of what would be required to sustain the corona indicating that impulsive events in this energy range are not sufficient to solve coronal heating. If we were to extend the power-law distribution down to an energy of $10^{21}$ erg, and assume parity between radiative energy release and the deposition of thermal energy, then such bursts could provide 25-50 % of the required energy to account for the coronal heating problem.
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