Efficient Bregman projections onto the simplex

We consider the problem of projecting a vector onto the simplex Δ = {x ∈ ℝ+d : Σi=1d xi = 1}, using a Bregman projection. This is a common problem in first-order methods for convex optimization and online-learning algorithms, such as mirror descent. We derive the KKT conditions of the projection problem, and show that for Bregman divergences induced by ω-potentials, one can efficiently compute the solution using a bisection method. More precisely, an ω-approximate projection can be obtained in O(d log 1/ω). We also consider a class of exponential potentials for which the exact solution can be computed efficiently, and give a O(d log d) deterministic algorithm and O(d) randomized algorithm to compute the projection. In particular, we show that one can generalize the KL divergence to a Bregman divergence which is bounded on the simplex (unlike the KL divergence), strongly convex with respect to the l1 norm, and for which one can still solve the projection in expected linear time.
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