Value of systolic time intervals in the diagnosis of large patent ductus arteriosus in fluid-restricted and mechanically ventilated preterm infants.

: M-mode echocardiographic features suggesting a patent ductus arteriosus are based on two groups of indirect criteria: dilation of the left cardiac cavities and changes of systolic time intervals. The reliability of the first group of criteria has been questioned in fluid-limited, mechanically ventilated preterm infants. The sensitivity of the systolic time intervals in the same circumstances is investigated. Twenty-three patients with a large patent ductus arteriosus were selected. Review of their echocardiograms shows that the sensitivity of the various criteria (expressed as percentage of positivity) was as follows: inversion of the ratio of left ventricular preejection period to right ventricular preejection period, 91.3%; left ventricular preejection period to left ventricular ejection time over right ventricular preejection period to right ventricular ejection time less than 1,83%; left atrium dilation, 74%; shortening of left ventricular preejection period, 70%; dilation of left ventricular internal dimensions in diastole, 65%; increase in left atrium/aorta, 52%; and decrease of left ventricular preejection period to left ventricular ejection time, 48%. Three criteria involving time intervals (left ventricular preejection period to right ventricular preejection period, left ventricular preejection period, and left ventricular preejection period to left ventricular ejection time) had 100% specificity. The lowest specificity was found with criteria involving the left atrium (left atrial to aortic root ratio 75% and left atrium 63%). It is concluded that study of systolic time intervals is a reliable means of detecting preterm infants with hemodynamically significant left-to-right shunt through a patent ductus arteriosus even if the infants are mechanically ventilated and fluid restricted.
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