Real-time observation of preformed pairs above the critical temperature in a cuprate superconductor

In cuprate superconductors non-condensed pairs are speculated to exist above the critical temperature T$\mathrm{_C}$. Here, we show via ultrafast broadband optical spectroscopy that two independent spectroscopic signatures of the pair formation manifest at a temperature T$\mathrm{_{ONS}}$ higher than T$\mathrm{_C}$ in an underdoped sample of NdBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+{\delta}}$. The dynamical response of laser-broken pairs is disentangled from the pseudogap correlations based on their characteristic relaxation timescales. Simultaneously, we track the temperature evolution of the coherent vibration of the Ba ion, which is known to be strongly renormalized by electron pairing, and report its anomalous onset also at T$\mathrm{_{ONS}}$. Such a pair-formation temperature scale is corroborated by equilibrium optical spectroscopy measurements. These experiments suggest a method for controlling pairing correlations out-of-equilibrium by tailoring the photon energy and strength of laser excitation.
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