Influência da Curva de Aprendizado nos Procedimentos Percutâneos por Via Transradial

ABSTRACT Influence of the Learning Curve inPercutaneous Procedures by Transradial Approach Background: The learning curve is one of the limitations ofthe transradial technique. The aim of this study was toevaluate the influence of the learning curve in the outcomesof procedures using the radial approach. Methods: Pros-pective cohort study in patients undergoing cardiac cathe-terization allocated to Group A (interventions performedby operators with > 500 procedures by radial approach)and Group B (interventions performed by operators with 0.99), but valve disease was more prevalent in GroupA (24.1% vs. 3.2%; P = 0.001). The crossover rate for thefemoral technique was similar (1.7% vs. 1.6%; P > 0.99).The more experienced operators performed the procedureswith shorter puncture, fluoroscopy and total procedure time(13.2 + 5.2 minutes vs. 16.3 + 4.8 minutes; P = 0.001).There were no major complications. No differences wereobserved for the presence of type I (12% vs. 3.2%), type II(1.7% vs. 1.7%) and type III (0 vs. 1.7%) hematoma. OnDoppler evaluation, pulse flow and radial artery occlusionwere similar between groups.
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