A Few Unique Practices in High-Performance Engineering Colleges

A large number of private entrepreneurs have start ed self-financing engineering colleges in order to meet the youngsters' desire of settling early in li fe by acquiring engineering degree. A good number of colleges have had bitter experiences recently in attracting the students for their engineering programmes and t hen they realized the importance of maintaining quality in t heir programmes. Various governing bodies and agencies like ISO, NBA have developed their own models and suggested a few domains (dimensions) to the engineering colleges for developing quality. Colleges can build quality by concentrating on these domains, provide d they are aware of the practices to be followed for each item falling under those dimensions. This paper tries t o identify the unique practices followed in a few high perform ing self-financing engineering colleges in India. Q uality indicators have been identified through literature review on High-Performance Organizations. 15 top ranked self-financing engineering colleges have been liste d out for identifying the unique practices, by refe rring to the magazine Outlook. Unique practices followed with respect to the quality indicators identified have bee n composed through structured interviews and discussi ons with various core groups & stake holders of the se colleges. The unique practices identified and shor t listed through this study may be highly useful fo r the authorities of self-financing engineering colleges to bring quality in its working.
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