ML Models of Vibrating H$_2$CO: Comparing Reproducing Kernels, FCHL and PhysNet

Machine Learning (ML) has become a promising tool for improving the quality of atomistic simulations. Using formaldehyde as a benchmark system for intramolecular interactions, a comparative assessment of ML models based on state-of-the-art variants of deep neural networks (NN), reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS+F), and kernel ridge regression (KRR) is presented. Learning curves for energies and atomic forces indicate rapid convergence towards excellent predictions for B3LYP, MP2, and CCSD(T)-F12 reference results for modestly sized (in the hundreds) training sets. Typically, learning curve off-sets decay as one goes from NN (PhysNet) to RKHS+F to KRR (FCHL). Conversely, the predictive power for extrapolation of energies towards new geometries increases in the same order with RKHS+F and FCHL performing almost equally. For harmonic vibrational frequencies, the picture is less clear, with PhysNet and FCHL yielding respectively flat learning at $\sim$ 1 and $\sim$ 0.2 cm$^{-1}$ no matter which reference method, while RKHS+F models level off for B3LYP, and exhibit continued improvements for MP2 and CCSD(T)-F12. Finite-temperature molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with the same initial conditions yield indistinguishable infrared spectra with good performance compared with experiment except for the high-frequency modes involving hydrogen stretch motion which is a known limitation of MD for vibrational spectroscopy. For sufficiently large training set sizes all three models can detect insufficient convergence (``noise'') of the reference electronic structure calculations in that the learning curves level off. Transfer learning (TL) from B3LYP to CCSD(T)-F12 with PhysNet indicates that additional improvements in data efficiency can be achieved.
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