
1973 年 11 月至 1974 年初出土的湖南長沙馬王堆 3 號墓,出土大批的帛書。其中可作為黃老道家的代表著作,當屬《黃帝四經》(內容有〈經法〉、〈十大經〉、〈稱〉、〈道原〉四篇),一萬一千餘字。《老子》哲學思想多見於《四經》各篇,據陳鼓應先生估計,帛書《黃帝四經》一書引用《老子》多達一百七十餘見,而與《國語.越語》中范蠡的言論有近似或相同處有十八條之多,從《老子》、《國語.越語》和帛書《黃帝四經》三書相揉合之文句,可窺見從老子道家、由范蠡過渡到黃老道家思想的發展脈絡之關聯性。從《國語.越語》摘出范蠡的思想,有「聖人因天」、「必順天道」、「知天地之恆制」的觀點,以及「贏縮轉化」之道…等等和黃老道家相關的思想表現。此外,范蠡身體力行老子「功成身退」法則以長保其身,是真正體現老子廿四章「自伐者無功」哲理的人,其能運用柔茹吐剛的老子道家思想以教越王等待復國,是運用到老子的「道」家的合於自然的天道理論,而范蠡再將道和法作融合運用於人道,這便是黃老道家思想的內涵精華之所在。筆者以《黃帝四經》與《國語.越語》相近似的約二十條文句為主要佐證資料。擬探討范蠡由道而道法的思想軌跡,以釐析范蠡思想是否果為上承老子思想,而下開黃老學的先河之人,並論斷其在黃老之學源流上的地位。 關鍵詞:范蠡、《黃帝四經》、《國語.越語》、《老子》、黃老 Ma Wang’s Grave 1 was unearthed in the eastern suburbs of Changsa, Hunan, in 1972, and Grave 2 and 3 were unearthed from November 1973 to the beginning of 1974. What shocks the academic circle most is that there were a lot of books written on silk in Grave 3. The most important literature unearthed was “the Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor”, that is, “the Rules of Classics”, “Ten Classics”, “Symmetry’’, and “Source of Divine Order of Things”, inclusive of 174 lines and more than 11,000 words. The philosophy of Lao-Tzu’s “Classics of Morality” is cited in “the Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor”. According to Mr. Chen Ku-ying, 170 lines of Lao-tzu’s “Classics of Morality” and 18 lines of Fan Li’s words are seen in the books written on silk. After reading Lao-tzu’s “Classics of Morality”, “Tales of Various States, Tales of Yueh State Part II”, and “the Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor”, one will have a basic understanding of the philosophical development of Lao-tzu, Fan Li, and Huangti. In particular, that a sage follows the divine order of things and knows their evolution, limitation and conversion highlights Fan Li’s thought. By referring to the papers related to Fan Li in the books “Tales of Various States, Tales of Yueh State Part II”, “the Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor”, and Lao-tzu’s “Classics of Morality”, I wish to know how Fan Li retired after achieving success and how he implemented the philosophy that “a self-exaggerator has no merits”. What is more, while making a detailed analysis of Fan Li’s words, I hope to know whether Fan Li was a follower of Lao-tzu’s thought, and a vanguard or a representative of the doctrine of Huangti and Lao-tzu. Keywords: Fan Li, the four classics of the Yellow Emperor, tales of various states, tales of Yueh state part II, classics of morality, Yllow Emperor & Lao-tzu // //
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