Hybrid superconducting mesa-heterostructure with manganite-ruthenate interlayer

We present experimental data on Josephson effect in hybrid superconducting mesa-heterostructures (HSMH) with composite manganite-ruthenate interlayer. The HSMH base electrode consisted of the cuprate superconductor YBa 2Cu3O7 grown epitaxially on a NdGaO substrate using laser ablation. The interlayer was composed from in-situ deposited SrRuO3 (F1) and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (F2) thin films, each characterized by different directions of magnetization. The top electrode was Nb/Au thin film. A superconducting current was observed when the interlayer thickness was well above the correlation length, determined by the exchange field in F1 and F2. Obtained IC (H) dependences and non-sinusoidal current-phase relation evaluated from microwave measurements are discussed in terms of generation of long-range spin triplet superconducting current component in heterostructures with interfaces of singlet superconductors and bilayer ferromagnetic materials with different spatial directions of magnetization.
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