Cluster Galaxy Morphologies: The Relationship among Structural Parameters, Activity and the Environment

We propose a new approach to estimate galaxy morphologies using a two‐dimensional approach based on an ellipticity (e) vs. Bulge‐to‐Total ratio (B/T) plane. We have calibrated this plane by comparing with Dressler’s classifications [5]. With the aid of our calibration, we have classified 635 galaxies in 18 Abell clusters (0.02 Our approach allowed us to recover the Kormendy relation [7]. We found that ellipticals and Spirals are slightly brighter than S0 in R band. As S0 bulges are brighter than spirals bulges, we believe that ram pressure is not the main mechanism to generate S0s. In our sample, cluster radio galaxy morphologies cover the range S0‐E‐cD and their bulges have absolutes magnitudes distributed within −21 mag R mag . If we believe Ferrarese & Merrit’s relation [6], these radio sources have 10 8 –10 9 M ⊙ black holes.
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