Playing in nursing care in pediatric oncology: an integrating review

O BRINCAR NO CUIDADO DE ENFERMAGEM EM ONCOLOGIA PEDIATRICA: UMA REVISAO INTEGRATIVA Playing in nursing care in pediatric oncology: an integrating review Resumo: No âmbito da oncologia pediatrica, entende-se ser preciso incluir o brincar na assistencia como um recurso para um cuidado de enfermagem integral e humanizado. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar, na literatura, as formas de utilizacao do brincar no cuidado de enfermagem em oncologia pediatrica. Trata-se de um estudo de revisao integrativa da literatura com artigos cientificos publicados no periodo de 2012 a 2017, cujas pesquisas fossem nacionais e estivessem disponiveis na integra na plataforma de periodicos da Biblioteca Virtual em Saude. Dos 21 estudos identificados, 11 foram incluidos nesta revisao. Os principais resultados apontaram algumas formas de utilizacao do brincar pela equipe de enfermagem atuante em oncologia pediatrica, destacando-se a contacao de estorias, a brinquedoteca e o brinquedo terapeutico. Conclui-se que o brincar deve estar presente no cuidado, sempre que possivel, para propiciar uma assistencia integral e humanizada a essas criancas e a diminuicao de traumas e prejuizos no seu desenvolvimento. Abstract: In the context of pediatric oncology, it is understood that it is necessary to include play in care as a resource for comprehensive and humanized nursing care. The aim of this study was to identify the ways in which play in nursing care in pediatric oncology can be used. This is an integrative review of the literature with scientific articles published in the period 2012 to 2017, whose research was national and was available in full in the periodical platform of the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Of the 21 studies identified, 11 were included in this review. The main results point to some forms of use of play by the nursing team active in pediatric oncology, highlighting the story telling, toy library and therapeutic toy. It is concluded that playing should be present in the care, as far as possible to provide comprehensive and humanized care to these children and the reduction of trauma and developmental harm. Abstract: In the context of pediatric oncology, it is understood that it is necessary to include play in care as a resource for comprehensive and humanized nursing care. The aim of this study was to identify the ways in which play in nursing care in pediatric oncology can be used. This is an integrative review of the literature with scientific articles published in the period 2012 to 2017, whose research was national and was available in full in the periodical platform of the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Of the 21 studies identified, 11 were included in this review. The main results point to some forms of use of play by the nursing team active in pediatric oncology, highlighting the story telling, toy library and therapeutic toy. It is concluded that playing should be present in the care, as far as possible to provide comprehensive and humanized care to these children and the reduction of trauma and developmental harm.
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