The Structure and Dispersion of Exciton-Trion-Polaritons in Two-Dimensional Materials: Experiments and Theory

The nature of trions and their interaction with light has remained a puzzle. The composition and dispersion of polaritons involving trions provide insights into this puzzle. Trions and excitons in doped two-dimensional (2D) materials are not independent excitations but are strongly coupled as a result of Coulomb interactions. When excitons in doped 2D materials are also strongly coupled with light inside an optical waveguide, the resulting polariton states are coherent superpositions of exciton, trion, and photon states. We realize these exciton-trion-polaritons by coupling an electron-doped monolayer of two-dimensional material MoSe2 to the optical mode in a photonic crystal waveguide. Our theoretical model, based on a many-body description of these polaritons, reproduces the measured polariton energy band dispersion and Rabi splittings with excellent accuracy. Our work sheds light on the structure of trion states in 2D matrials and also on the indirect mechanism by which they interact with light.
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