Ruhsal Bozukluklarda Hastalık Yönetimi ve İyileşme Programı

Ozet Ruhsal bozukluklarda hastalik yonetimi ve iyilesme onemli bir sorundur. Psikiyatri hemsireleri, ruhsal bozuklugu olan hastalarin islevselliklerini arttirmada farkli programlar kullanmaktadirlar. Bu programlardan biri “Hastalik Yonetimi ve Iyilesme Programi”dir. Bu derlemenin amaci, ruhsal bozukluklarda uygulanan psikososyal beceri yontemlerinden biri olan Hastalik Yonetimi ve Iyilesme Programinin ozelliklerini ve uygulama yontemini aciklamaktir. Hastalik Yonetimi ve Iyilesme Programi, agir ruhsal bozuklugu olan bireylere hastaliklarini yonetmek, hedefler belirlemek, tedavide depresmeleri azaltmak ve hastalikla etkili basa cikma stratejileri gelistirmeyi amaclar. Ayrica bu program calisanlar ve hasta/hasta yakinlari ile isbirligi yaparak bireysel veya grup halinde yurutulen hastalik yonetim becerileri ve stratejilerine dayanan psikososyal mudahaleleri icerir. Bu program, hem yatan hem de ayaktan takip edilen hastalara uygulanmaktadir. Yapilandirilmis bir program olan Hastalik Yonetimi ve Iyilesme Programi’nin ulkemiz psikiyatri hemsireligi uygulamalarinda kullanilmasina rehberlik edecegi dusunulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Psikiyatri hemsiresi, ruhsal bozukluk, hastalik yonetimi, iyilesme. Abstract Illness management and recovery are significant issues in the treatment of mental disorders. Various approaches are used by psychiatric nurses in order to increase the functionality among patients with mental disorders. One of these programs is Illness Management and Recovery Program. The aim of this review is to explain the characteristics and application methods of the Illness Management and Recovery Program which is one of the psychosocial skills methods applied in mental disorders. The Illness Management and Recovery Program aims at helping individuals with severe mental illnesses manage their illnesses and identify targets, reducing relapses in the treatment, and developing effective coping strategies for the treatment of symptoms. In addition, the program includes psychosocial interventions based on illness management skills and strategies carried out individually or in groups, in collaboration with employees and patient / patient relatives. This program is applied to both inpatients and outpatients. The structured Illness Management and Recovery Program is thought to guide in psychiatric nursing practices within our country. Keywords: Psychiatric nurse, mental disorder, illness management, recovery.
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