Late Cretaceous I- and A-type magmas in eastern Turkey: Magmatic response to double-sided subduction of Paleo- and Neo-Tethyan lithospheres

Abstract We provide geochronological (zircon U Pb) and geochemical data (whole rock major and trace elements, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes, mineral compositions, zircon trace elements) for Late Cretaceous I- and A-type granitoids and associated gabbros from three areas (Dereli, Şebinkarahisar, Divrigi), along a north-south traverse in eastern Turkey from the northern part of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt to the Anatolide-Tauride Block, and from two locations (Sokmen and Pirnalli) that are situated away from the traverse line. Our aim is to interpret the tectonic environment in which the granitoids formed. Late Cretaceous plutonic activity began ~ 90 Ma and continued uninterruptedly for about 20 my. The Dereli suite and the Asarcik intrusion at Şebinkarahisar are I-type granitoids; the others are A-type granitoids. The A-type classification of these rocks is ambiguous; they are A-type relative to other coeval granitoids in eastern Turkey. The Şebinkarahisar, Murmana (Divrigi), and Pirnalli granitoids evolved primarily by closed-system fractional crytallization. At Şebinkarahisar, I- and A-type intrusions are isotopically indistinguishable, and must share the same source. Open system, AFC processes affected the other granitoids. Crustal components contributed to all of the granitoids. The Dereli granitoids have an old component (1.2  DM 2 content of some granitoids requires a mantle-derived component. Arc-like geochemical features may be inherited from a mid-crustal source component, in addition to contributions from the arc environment active at the time of magmatism. A petrogenetic relation cannot be demonstrated between the Divrigi gabbros and their contemporaneous granitoids. The gabbros require a subcontinental lithospheric mantle source. Trace elements in zircon track fractional crystallization paths within suites, and faithfully map the arc-related petrogenesis of the granitoids, but do not mirror trace element distributions in zircons from other A-type suites. Available data indicate that Late Cretaceous plutonic activity began at about ~90 Ma in both the northern part of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt and the southern part of the Anatolide-Tauride Block. Magma compositions began to change at ca. 80 Ma, and transformed successively into high-K I-type and shoshonitic A-type activity, and magmatism continued until ~ 70 Ma. We interpret this 20 my interval to be the subduction-dominated, arc-construction phase in the Eastern Pontides. The distribution of I-type magmas in eastern Turkey is best explained by double-sided, initially shallow-angle subduction of Paleo- and Neo-Tethyan lithospheres, with subsequent steepening of the subducted slabs leading to an extensional regime and the generation of A-type magmas. This hypothesis also explains the origin of Late Cretaceous I- and A-type Central Anatolian granitoids.
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