Geri Ödemelerin ve Kira Ödemelerinin Parçalı Aritmetik Değişimli Olduğu Ortaklığa Dayalı Konut Finsansmanı Modeli

In today’s world, the applications of home financing models are widely used. In particular, the difficulties encountered in cases of dept payment and home ownership has resulted the development of different payment methods in the home financing models. A home financing model based on partnership is a financing model that while customer’s share is increasing with repayments and rent incomes, the share of financier is reducing. In the Home Financing Model based on partnership, repayments consist of quantity or proportional differences for each term according to person’s level of income and economic structure. General formulae obtained from a variety of models are in the literature. However, the formulas are inadequate to solve some problems. In this study, new formulas are proposed in the case of repayments and especially rent payments are piecewise arithmetic gradient series by developing some of the assumptions of the home financing model. Furthermore, numerical examples and solutions are given for the developed models. 1.
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