The relation between the capabilities and the job d evotion of teachers of physical treatment in Ilam high schools

The only propriety of constant competition of every organ are the member of it, those who succeed in a n organ, such process would be accessible through the capabilitie s of staff. Therefore, there are some descriptive ‐ correlative studies to examine the relations between the physic al treatment teacher’s duties and capabilities in I lam high school level. There were chosen 175 teachers among 320, th ey were also classified by multilayer branch method through the tables of Morgan and Corjeasy. There were also some questionnaires to gather data including, the questionnaires of capability of Shourt and Rainhart (1999), and questionnaires of Leana’s et al job de votion (2007). There was also Apha Cronbakh used to assign the con text fluency based on the expert’s ideas. It was th e descriptive, the inferred statistics of Pearson’s cohesive corre lation, and multiple regression analysis to analyze the data. The findings show that there is some relation between ttreatment teacher’s capabilities and jo b devotion in the high school level in Ilam. (p= 0.0001, r= 0.692 ). The findings of regression analyses show that th e capability aspects predict 62 percentage of variance of change s in the job devotion. Finally, it can be said that it is nice to improve the teacher’s capabilities due to the job d evotion. The capability increases the staff ’s monit oring on their jobs and their environment, hence such increase pro vides the staff ’s emotional and psychological asses sment to their jobs, such process will lead to the job devotion.
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