"Modelando el bello sexo". El modelo femenino en las dictaduras de Franco y Pinochet a través de las revistas femeninas Y, revista para la mujer y Amiga "Modeling the beautiful sex". The female model in Franco and Pino- chet's dictatorship through the women's magazines Y, revista para la mujer and Amiga

This article proposes to analyze and compare the women models that were developed during the Dictatorships of Franco in Spain and Pinochet in Chile. To do this analysis, we have used two women's magazines published by those governments: Y, magazine for woman, of the Feminine Section and Amiga of the National Agency for Woman. Through these magazines, for one side, we seek to explore the definition of the women role and the symbolic and material limits between the public and private spaces, and for the other, we want to emphasize on the permeability of the public and private boundaries, that were transgressed for women, both in the integration to the work market and the studies. The analysis of this two magazines allow us to establish discursive similarities, result from the influence of Hispanist ideology in both regimes, and also it reveals that the official speech as "ideal model” was having fissures when it entered in conflict with practices associated with the model of "modern woman".
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