К вопросу об оценке эффективности огнезащиты полимерных материалов

The main requirements regulating the fire-safe application of plastics in construction, industry and transport were specified. The issues of the methodology for assessing polymeric materials (PM) fire protection efficiency in compliance with the existing normative and technical base were considered. It was demonstrated that, depending on the field of application and the functional purpose, various requirements are imposed on PMs as related to fire protection efficiency. It was established that, using comparative information on the processes of destruction and thermal decomposition of PMs in the presence of various flame retardants and their resistance to fire effect, it is reasonably likely to predict the behavior of a polymer composition under standard testing conditions. The results of experimental studies on the development of low combustible polymers were presented. The extreme relevance of studying the possibility of correlating the flammability parameters using small-scale and large-scale test methods for the development of the compositions presenting low fire hazards was found. The conclusions on the advisability of developing an integrated approach to the assessment of fire hazard properties of flame-retardant polymers at their laboratory production stage were drawn.
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