A Study for Causative Diseases of Globus Pharyngeus Patients Who Have No Pathologic Conditions in Laryngopharynx

Background and Objectives:Globus pharyngeus is the feeling of a lump or foreign body in the throat. Otolaryngologists are often confronted with this condition, and some authors report that it represents 3 percent of all new clinic referrals. Unfortunately, we still do not completely understand the etiologies of globus pharyngeus, but there are recently increasing evidences to link the globus symptoms with various diseases. Material and Methods:We selected 32 globus patients, who exhibited no pathologic condition in physical examinations, and were analysed by general work up, barium esophagogram, 24 hour-ambulatory double-probe pH monitoring, esophageal manometry test, Fuchs'eries, and MMPI. Results:The results were as follows, gastroesophago-laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (n=15:46.9%, various psychotic problems (n=11: 34.4%, esophageal motility disorders (n=7:21.9%, duodenal ulcer (n=2:6.3%, Eagle's syndrome (n=2:6.3%, and hiatal hernia (n=1:3.1%. In 5 cases, we couldn't find the etiology of globus pharyngeus. Conclusion:Globus pharyngeus patients, who had no pathologic findings in layrnx and pharynx, might have laryngopharyngeal-gastroesophageal reflux diseases and psychologic problems. (Korean J Otolaryngol 1998;41( ( ( (12 :1573-1578
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