Zeeman levels of the shallow lithium acceptor and band parameters in cadmium telluride

We have measured the energies and the Zeeman splitting of excitations of the non-ionized Li acceptor in CdTe by means of far-infrared absorption spectroscopy in order to determine the valence band parameters of the host material (0g factors for initial and final states are given. Shifts of the transition energies caused by interactions with phonons are identified and separated by a critical comparison of the excitation energies measured for Li with results published for other acceptors in CdTe. Using the recently developed theory of Schmitt and co-workers, a set of valence band parameters of the host material is obtained, which reproduces very well both the excited acceptor states at B=OT and the Zeeman patterns. With a value of the static dielectric constant epsilon =10.31 taken from the literature the Baldereschi-Lipari set amounts to mu =0.68, delta =0.13, R0=30.9 meV. The Luttinger parameters are determined as gamma 1=4.14, gamma 2=1.09, gamma 3=1.62 and kappa =0.46. We compare these numbers with results obtained by different methods and published previously in the literature.
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