Histopathologic and genotoxic effects of deltamethrin on marsh frog, Pelophylax ridibundus (Anura: Ranidae).

It is known that amphibians inhabiting agricultural areas are constantly exposed to chemicals such as insecticides. Deltamethrin, a type II pyrethroid insecticide, is widely used in the world. The present study aimed to investigate the toxic effects of different concentrations (0.625, 1.25, and 2.50 mg/kg body wt) of orally applied deltamethrin to marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) after 96 h of treatment. The histopathological abnormalities in liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidney tissues were evaluated with quantitative analyses. In liver, increase of melanomacrophagic aggregates, non-homogeneous hepatocyte parenchyma, sinusoidal dilatations, infiltration, vascular epithelial degeneration, central vein degeneration, and congestion were determined in exposed frogs. In gastrointestinal tract, vacuolization, hypertrophy, congestion, infiltration, necrosis, and erosion of the epithelial layer, increasing goblet secretion, degeneration in villi, epithelial disorganization, and edema were observed in high-dose groups. In all experimental groups, glomerular shrinkage, hemorrhage, degeneration, infiltration, increase in Bowman distance, and eosinophilic-stained tubular lumens were detected in kidneys. Histopathological changes were more prominent in 1.25 and 2.50 mg/kg groups than the other groups. To determine the genotoxic effects of deltamethrin, the peripheral blood samples of the frogs were used. The erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities such as micro-nucleus, double-nucleus, kidney-shaped nucleus, notched nucleus, and bud nucleus were determined in the frogs, and the genotoxicity did not show a significant increase between control and low-dose groups, statistically. However, the genotoxic effects increased in medium- and especially high-dose groups. The results of this study showed that acute deltamethrin exposure can lead to histopathologic and genotoxic effects in P. ridibundus.
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