The atmospheric parameters of FGK stars using wavelet analysis of CORALIE spectra

Atmospheric properties of F-,G- and K-type stars can be measured by spectral model fitting. These methods require data with good signal-to-noise ratio and reliable continuum normalisation. This is particularly challenging for the spectra we have obtained with the CORALIE \'{e}chelle spectrograph for FGK stars with transiting M-dwarf companions. The spectra tend to have low signal-to-noise ratios, which makes it difficult to analyse them using existing methods. Our aim is to create a reliable automated spectral analysis routine to determine $T_{\rm eff}$, [Fe/H], $V \sin i$ from the CORALIE spectra of FGK stars. We use wavelet decomposition to distinguish between noise, continuum trends, and stellar spectral features in the CORALIE spectra. A subset of wavelet coefficients from the target spectrum are compared to those from a grid of models in a Bayesian framework to determine the posterior probability distributions of the atmospheric parameters. By testing our method using synthetic spectra we found that our method converges on the best fitting atmospheric parameters. We test the wavelet method on 20 FGK exoplanet host stars for which higher quality data have been independently analysed using equivalent width measurements. We find that we can determine $T_{\rm eff}$ to a precision of $85$K, [Fe/H] to a precision of 0.06 dex and $V \sin i$ to a precision of 1.35 kms$^{-1}$ for stars with $V \sin i$ $\geq$ 5 kms$^{-1}$. We find an offset in metallicity $\approx -$0.18 dex relative to the equivelent width fitting method. We can determine $\log g$ to a precision of $0.13$ dex but measurements are only reliable to confirm dwarf-like surface gravity. The wavelet method can be used to determine $T_{\rm eff}$, [Fe/H] and $V \sin i$ for FGK stars from \'{e}chelle spectra. We find that our method is self consistent, and robust for spectra with SNR$\gtrapprox 40$.
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