Subcutaneous fat necrosis in newborns.

ABSTRACT Subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborns is a tran-sient, benign process in full- term or postmature neonates. It is associated with perinatal distress. Newborn stress inhibits immature enzyme system, which already has relative inability to desaturate saturated fatty acids. It leads to fat crystillisation and necrosis. Skin biopsy revealed necrotic fo-cus and crystallisation in fat cells. Hypercalcemia may be a potential complication. Key words : adipocytes, crystillisation, perinatal distress, skin biopsy, hypercalcemia INTRODUCTION Subcutaneous fat necrosis is temporary and self- limited panniculitis which affects adipose tissue of full- term or postmature neonates (1-3). It is characterized by erythematous to violaceous, firm, and painful subcutaneous nodules (2). The skin lesions are mainly localized on the face, trunk, buttocks, and proximal extremities and appear soon after birth up to four weeks (4). Development of metastatic calcification in the subcutaneous tissue, kidneys, pericardium and brain is possible (5). There are no epidemiolo-gic data available for subcutaneous fat necrosis. Hypercalcaemia is a complication which can be life threatening if not treated properly (6).
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