Rat liver carboxylesterase: cDNA cloning, sequencing, and evidence for a multigene family.

Summary A cDNA clone was isolated from a rat liver lambda gt11 expression library by screening with polyclonal antibodies raised against a rat liver microsomal carboxylesterase. This clone of 1.8 kb contained an open reading frame encoding a mature protein of 531 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 58,084. The 5′ portion of the clone coded for 9 amino acids of a putative signal peptide. The 3′ end of the clone included an untranslated region and a poly (A) tail. Carboxylesterase active site regions, five potential N-linked glycosylation sites, and 2 postulated cystine disulfide bridges were found in the cDNA-deduced amino acid sequence. Sequences obtained from tryptic peptides and the NH 2 -terminus of the purified native carboxylesterase were aligned with the deduced amino acid sequence, and the overall identity was 84%. Southern blot analysis suggested the presence of multiple genes. Thus it is concluded that we have cloned a rat liver carboxylesterase, and that this enzyme is a member of a multigene family.
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