Investigation in the roots compositions of the Pimpinella boissieri M. Heroe grown wild in Kurdistan – Iraq using GC and LC-MS

Many plant root extracts are known for their potential medicinal uses on living systems due toone or more of their active compounds. In this study, the root’s composition of a rare species ofpimpinella “Pimpinella boisseiri” grown in wild in Kurdistan – Iraq was investigated after beingfreeze dried, ground, extracted and purified. The purified ethanolic extract was analysed by LCMSand two chlorogenic acids were identified including 3, 4, 5, - Caffeoylquinic acid, 3,4DicaffeolyQuinic Acid and 3, 5-Feruloyl Quinic Acid. Hydro-distillation extract of the groundroots resulted in obtaining azulene (0.5 %). This characterization of pimpinella root extractsrevealed the presence of the chlorogenic acids and Azulene. On SEM analysis with built-in XRayanalysis for the endosperm and the outer coat of the roots, the former showed to containMg, P, S, and K, whereas the outer coat found to contain calcium and to a lesser extend iron,beside the elements found in the endosperm.
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