Parasquatina zitteli nov. sp. (Elasmobranchii: Orectolobiformes) aus dem Maastricht von Oberbayern (Gerhartsreiter Schichten, Siegsdorf) und Bemerkungen zur Verbreitung der Ordnung Orectolobiformes

Pollerspock J, Beaury B: Parasquatina zitteli nov. sp. (Elasmobranchii: Orectolobiformes) from the Maastrichian of Upper Bavaria (Gerhartsreiter Ditch, Siegsdorf), with remarks on the distribution of the order Orectolobiformes. The genus Parasquatina is documented for the first time from the Gerhartsreiter Ditch near Siegsdorf (Upper Bavaria, Germany). The fossils are interpreted as a new species, for which the name Parasquatina zitteli nov. sp. is proposed, because they differ in morphology from all other species in that genus, especially with regard to the labial apron, which is absent in P. zitteli. Assignment of the genus Parasquatina to the order Squatiniformes is reversed, and the genus now placed in the order Orectolobiformes. In addition, a survey of recent records of Parasquatina is given, together with an up-to-date overview of the stratigraphic distribution of the order Orectolobiformes, and resulting questions are discussed.
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