Static Multiple, Distributed Piezoelectric Actuator Structural Deformation and Bending Analysis Using COMSOL

Abstract A paper revealing the static analysis of PZT actuator non-destructive deformation and displacement is unveiled in simulation here. PZT is known for two effects, direct and inverse piezo effects. Here it is used as actuator to realize the inverse piezo electric effect. These piezoelectric actuators are placed as 10 slices over an aluminium cantilever beam and the voltages are applied to one end while observing the deformation. The top piezos and the bottom piezos are electrically induced one at a time and successively all combinations are tried. Thus it yields the best possible locations of the actuators on any cantilever beam as to produce the desired deflection. This apart, the stress and strain on the piezos are notable in order to avoid certain combinations of induced electricity that may damage the piezos or the cantilever beam as observable from von-Mises stresses. The electrical ground is placed on the aluminium surface for the piezos. The entire substance for analysis is derived with the help of the finite element tool in 3D within COMSOL and the best possible combination of the actuators for the deflection and straining are discussed.
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