State Auto Dealer Regulation: One Man's Preliminary Views

be taken literally. The refer? ence to one man empha? sizes that I am just speaking for myself. This is the standard dis? claimer from people in a federal agency, but I flag it here because this article addresses something that I have not even discussed with my colleagues in the Com? mission. State auto dealer regula? tion is a Subject that I have been Thomas B. Leary thinking about recently, but thus far I have been doing so in isolation. I refer to preliminary views because, even though I do have a background in the auto industry and was once famil? iar with the issue, it is not something that I have had occa? sion to consider for almost twenty years. I am now looking at this whole issue anew and from a different perspective. Some of these preliminary views may seem provocative, but my mind is still open and I welcome the reactions of practi? tioners and their clients.
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