Agrometeorological services to cope with risks and uncertainties

Agriculture is defined as “the production and processing of plant and animal life for the use of human beings” and also “a system for harvesting or exploiting the solar radiation.” Meteorology is “the science of atmosphere.” “The study of those aspects of meteorology, which have direct relevance to agriculture,” is defined as agricultural meteorology for which the abbreviated form is “Agrometeorology” (Murthy 1996). The primary aim of agricultural meteorology is to extend and fully utilize the knowledge of atmospheric and other related processes to optimize sustainable agricultural production with maximum use of weather resources and with little or no damage to the environment. This science also provides the necessary information to help reduce the negative impact of risks and uncertainties of adverse weather through agrometeorological services (Motha et al. 2006). According to Murthy and Stigter (2003), agrometeorological services are “all agrometeorological and climatological information that can be directly applied to improve or protect agricultural production (yield quality, quantity, and income obtained from yields) while protecting the agricultural production base from degradation.” Sivakumar et al. (2004) observed that the current status of agricultural production and increasing concerns with related environmental issues call for improved agrometeorological services for enhancing and sustaining agricultural productivity and food security around the world.
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