Comparison of Lyophylized Duramater and Autogenous Omental Wrappings of Grafting Sites in Experimentally Induced Facial Nerve Injury Part II Histologic and Histomorphometric Evaluation

The histologic and histomorphometric evaluation of wrapping the facial nerve by a lyophylized duramater (LD) or autogenous omental graft (AOG), on nerve regeneration, after experimentally induced facial paralysis, which was created by neurectomy and repaired by autogeneous sural nerve grafts in dogs, was undertaken. The experimental design was reported. At the end of the observation period, specimens harvested from the main trunk of the facial nerve arising from the stylomastoid foramen, the repaired site and three branches of this nerve were examined histologically and histomorphometrically with respect to myelin area, axon number and nerve fiber diameter. Reduced fibrosis and improved nerve regeneration were found to be superior in the AOG wrapped group than the others. According to the histomorphometric evaluation of grafted site, the wrapped groups had better values than those of the control group. Wrapping was found to be useful for nerve regeneration in the grafting site and the omentum could be recommended for this purpose. Some reference values were obtained from histomorphometric evaluations that will be helpful for further studies, and traumatic injuries of facial nerves can be repaired by free cable grafts and regeneration seemed better when wrapped with AOG. Ozet: Bu cal›flmada, fasial sinirin norektomisi ile oluflturulan deneysel fasial paralizinin otojen sural sinir greftleri ile onar›lmas›ndan sonra fasial sinirin liyofilize duramater ve otojen omentum grefti ile sar›lmas›n›n sinir rejenerasyonuna etkisi histolojik ve histomorfometrik yonden deerlendirilmesi amacland›. Deneysel cal›flma plan› birinci bolumde bildirildi. Gozlem suresi sonunda, fasial sinir foramen stilomastoideustan c›kt›ktan sonraki ana trunkus, onar›m bolgesi ve fasial sinirin uc kolundan al›nan kesitler miyelin alan›, akson say›s›, sinir lifi cap› yonunden histomorfometrik ve histolojik olarak incelendi. Histolojik ve histomorfometrik analizlere gore otojen omentum grefti ile sar›lan grupta fibrozisin dier gruplara oranla daha az, sinir rejenerasyonunun ise daha iyi olduu belirlendi. Greft alan›nda yap›lan histomorfometrik incelemeler sonucu, sarma ifllemi yap›lan gruplarda kontrol grubuna oranla daha iyi deerler elde edildi. Greft bolgesinin sar›lmas›n›n, sinir rejenerasyonuna yararl› olduu saptand› ve bu amac icin otojen omentumun onerilebilecei sonucuna var›ld›. Cal›flmada daha sonraki araflt›rmalara ›fl›k tutacak baz› histomorfometrik referans deerler elde edildi ve travmatik fasial sinir yaralanmalar›n›n kablo greftleri ile onar›labilecei ve otojen omentum grefti ile yap›lan sarma iflleminin sinir rejenerasyonuna katk›da bulunabilecei kan›s›na var›ld›.
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