Black British female managers’ experiences of working for children and young people’s services

White women (3%) are less likely to be unemployed than women from all other ethnic groups combined (7%) – ( January 2021)​ 1 in 8 (12.1%) BME women working in the UK are employed in insecure jobs compared to 1 in 16 (6.4%) white women and 1 in 17 (5.5%) white men (TUC, 2020).​ BAME women suffer from cultural stereotyping by employers that results in them having to take jobs at a lower skills level than they are qualified for (TUC, 2016)​ A culture of bullying and stereotyping means BAME academics work harder and employ mentally draining strategies to try and get on (UCU, 2019).​ BAME applicants are half as likely to be successful in applications as their white peers; and women over-represented in low-paying sectors and underrepresented in Science, Technology, English and Maths (STEM) (Aldridge 2017).
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