Evidence for the involvement of cGMP in neural bronchodilator responses in humal trachea.

1. We have investigated the correlation between relaxation and changes in cyclic nucleotide content of human tracheal smooth muscle (HTSM) in vitro following inhibitory non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (i-NANC) neural bronchodilator responses evoked by electrical field stimulation (EFS), and compared these with changes seen with sodium nitroprusside (SNP), 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). The effects of N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), Methylene Blue and alpha-chymotrypsin (alpha-CT) were studied. 2. EFS (10 Hz, 1 ms, 40 V for 30 s) evoked a time-dependent relaxation accompanied by a concurrent rise in cGMP, both of which were maximal at 30 s and unaffected by epithelium removal. Levels of cAMP were more variable than those of cGMP and were not significantly changed at any time point. 3. SIN-1 (1 mM) and SNP (100 microM) also produced time-dependent relaxations which were maximal between 2 and 8 min, accompanied by concomitant rises in cGMP; however, these changes were larger than those associated with i-NANC relaxations. cAMP levels were unchanged at all time points. 4. EFS-evoked i-NANC relaxations and cGMP increases (time, t = 30 s) were inhibited by L-NAME. The effects were partially reversed by L-arginine (1 mM), but not by D-arginine. D-NAME and alpha-CT (2 u ml-1) had no effect on either relaxation or cGMP accumulation. Tetrodotoxin (TTX, 3 microM) inhibited both relaxation and cGMP accumulation. 5. VIP (1 microM) also produced a time-dependent relaxation associated with a concurrent rise in cAMP levels with no change in cGMP levels. 6. Methylene Blue (10 microM) partially inhibited EFS (10 Hz)-evoked i-NANC relaxation and cGMP accumulation, and almost completely inhibited both relaxation and cGMP accumulation evoked by SIN-1 (1 mM). Methylene Blue had no significant effect on relaxation or cGMP accumulation evoked by SNP (100 microM). 7. Neural i-NANC relaxations in HTSM are associated with a concurrent selective accumulation of cGMP which is unaffected by epithelium removal. This is inhibited in a stereoselective manner by L-NAME and mimicked by SNP and SIN-1; however, cGMP accumulation was greatly increased with SNP and SIN-1 suggesting compartmentalized changes in cGMP content. VIP also caused relaxation associated with an increase of cAMP; however, no evidence was found for VIP being involved in i-NANC relaxation. Hence nitric oxide (NO), or a NO-containing complex, appears to mediate i-NANC responses in human trachea in vitro.
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