PYRN General Assembly: Report from the current (2014-2016) and election of the new Executive Committee (2016-2018)

The PYRN General Assembly is hold every two years as part of a regional or international permafrost conference. It is the bi-annual meeting of all young permafrost researchers registered in the Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN), which is an initiative of the International Permafrost Association (IPA). The Executive Committee is an international mix of permafrost young researchers with different research backgrounds. They came together at the European Conference on Permafrost 2014 in Evora, Portugal, and have been organizing the network since then. During the assembly the current PYRN Executive Committee presents its main achievements and major milestones during the last two year of governing (2014-2016) and gives insights into the structure of PYRN and how it operates. Furthermore the new PYRN Executive Committee (2016-2018) is introduced, that starts governing the network from the end of the 11th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP2016) until the 2018 Regional Conference on Permafrost in Chamonix, France.
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