Обґрунтування рекомендацій щодо впровадження інформаційних систем в наукову та науково-технічну діяльність Міністерства Оборони України та Збройних Сил України

The article presents the main provisions and the results of testing the methodology for implementing information systems in scientific and scientific-technical activities in scientific (educational) institutions (organizations, units) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on the results of its application in individual scientific institutions and scientific divisions of higher military educational institutions. This technique provides a unified approach, determines the structure and content of the main stages by: identification, formalized description, analysis and improvement of the processes of scientific and scientific-technical activity; determining the level of automation, actual needs, the features of creating and forming requirements for information systems and automation tools for the needs of scientific institutions (organizations, units), establishing the order and priority of their implementation. Based on the results of testing (application) of the methodology, recommendations were formed on the implementation of information systems in the activities of scientific institutions (organizations, units), presented in the form of a concept for building the information system of a scientific institution (unit) using the example of one of the scientific units of a higher military educational institution. The concept contains descriptions of: the purpose and main tasks of the information system, the composition and characteristics of its functional subsystems; identified processes of scientific and scientific-technical activity – their current state and recommendations for their automation (implementation of information systems); stages of the implementation of the main activities to create information systems. Suggestions for improving the methodology are given. The methodology is recommended for implementation in order to increase the level of automation of scientific and scientific-technical activities in scientific institutions, scientific divisions of higher military educational institutions, military scientific divisions of military command and control structures of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine at all levels of command, as well as at enterprises , institutions and organizations of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine.
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