Os Usos e Coberturas da Terra Afetados pelo Rompimento da Barragem de Fundão, Mariana – MG

In November 2015, Brazil experienced the larger environmental disaster in its history, the rupture of the Fundao dam from Samarco company. In this context, this work aims to map and quantify the land use and land cover changes (LULCC) and its relationship with the socioeconomic aspects derived from the rupture occurred in Mariana, Minas Gerais state, more specific in the sub-districts of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo of Mariana, which were devastated by the mud in November 2015. In the study area, approximately 300 families lost material goods, identity, the stories of life and social life. The stories, the architectural and cultural heritage was gone with the mud of this disaster. Initially, based on the work and reports of official institutions, it is noted that the effects of the rupture of the dam on the environment have not yet been consolidated, since it is a recent fact, it requires the combination of efforts, the multidisciplinary work of the civil society institutions and government to better define these effects. The land use and landcover (LULC) maps presented the devastation resulting from this disruption. The mapping results indicate that approximately 496 hectares of dense forest were affected by the mud in the area defined in the study. In addition, 116 ha and 52 ha of herbaceous-shrub vegetation and bare soil, respectively, were suppressed by the breach. In relation to the LULC referring to urban areas, reforestation, pasture and agriculture, 19 ha, 18 ha, 7 ha and 1 ha were affected, respectively.
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