Influence of Integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and nitrogen uptake and economics of rice-rice-greengram cropping system

A Field study was conducted at wetland farm, Department of Farm Management, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during kharif- rabi – summer seasons in 2014-15 and 2015-16 to study the integrated nutrient management options for sustainable growth and production in rice-rice-greengram cropping sequence. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with the three replications. The main plot treatment comprised of incorporation of green manures and residue addition of 30 % of paddy straw during both the kharif and rabi season in rice viz.,M1- No application of green manure and No application of crop residue, M2- Dhaincha@ 6.25t ha-1 and No. application of crop residue, M3- No application of crop residue and residue addition of 30 % paddy straw and M4- Dhaincha@ 6.25t ha-1and residue addition of 30 % paddy straw and sub plot treatments consists of various fertilizer management approaches- S1-Recommended dose of NPK, S2- STCR approach, S3- LCC based Napplication. The growth parameters, yield and yield attributes and N uptake were assessed during the course of study. Data on growth parameters, Nuptake, yield attributes and yield, economics were recorded and analysed during the entire tenure of experimentation. The results revealed that the treatment combination of M4S3 (M4-kharif- Dhaincha@ 6.25t ha and residue addition of 30 % paddy straw; S3- LCC based N application) found to be significantly superior over the other treatments with respect to DMP, N uptake, yield attributes, yield and economics.
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