Carbon Credits Price for Renewable Energy and Forestry Proyects in America and The Caribbean

In America and the Caribbean, an increasing wave of initiatives has been generated, as well as in the rest of the world, in regard to carbon pricing. Such initiatives are mainly focused in promoting emission taxes or in implementing transaction schemes of emission permits. The present study considers the acknowledgment of the importance in the voluntary market that has been generated by the transactions of carbon credits in two principal standards. VERRA (with its respective VCS, VCS+CCB standards), and the Gold Standard for the SDGs. Both Standards represent more than 90% of the carbon credits transactions worldwide with significant participation of forestry and renewable energy projects. The principal variables were modelled, which may determine a variation in the carbon credit price, as well as the impact of the national strategies on such price. The results reflect that the location of the projects is an element that affects significantly the price variation, even more in countries where there are existent implemented carbon pricing strategies. In addition, the effect of certifying co-benefits is an already an internalized element in the buyer's culture; although it may not impact the carbon credit price directly, it constitutes a precedent condition to guarantee the transaction of the aforementioned credits in the market
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