Primary peritonitis combined with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome following an upper respiratory tract infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes

- A 52-year-old woman with no previous history of major health problems presented with an acute abdomen and symptoms of shock. Three days earlier she had been diagnosed as having acute laryngitis which was treated with steroids. On admission she was suffering from hypotension, renal failure, liver failure and coagulopathy. Emergency laparotomy revealed purulent fluid spread diffusely throughout the abdominal cavity. Streptococcus pyoflenes was grown in culture from this fluid, enabling a diagnosis of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) with primary peritonitis to be made. This combination is rare, and has been described only a few times. Only one other patient is known in whom this combination was preceded by respiratory symptoms. The treatment consists of abdominal lavage, intravenous administration of antibiotics and immunoglobulins, and support for renal function, liver function, respiration and coagulation.
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