Ash Base-Catalysed in Promoting Ozonolysis of Used Cooking Oil

Biodiesel is very important alternative energy as it can address the increased environmental pollution and depletion of the non-renewable fuels. S imultaneously ozonolysis and transesterfication of used cooking oil have been studied in the synthesis of biodiesel. There was 52.8 weight percent of unsaturated fatty acid in the used cooking oil which is potential for biodiesel synthesis. The experiment was carried out at several isothermal conditions 20 and 30 o C, atmospheric pressure with the ratio of methanol and used cooking oil of 5:1, the ozon rate was maintained at 5.8 mol percent. The study aimed to observe the effect of ash from empty fruit bunches from palm tree as catalyst beside the KOH solution. The presence both of extracted ash and KOH solution promoted ozonolysis. There was 8 % of ozonolysis yield increased in the presence of both KOH and extracted ash. There were methyl hexanoate, methyl octanoate and methyl nonanoate as short chain methyl esters in the product as a cracking result from ozonolysis.
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