Competição de clones de mandioca selecionados para mesa e indústria

Forty cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) clones, derived froco several intervarietal crossings, were evaluated, concerning root yields and other characteristics, from 1981 to 1984. Originally, four trials were carried out at Campinas and other four trials in Pindamonhangaba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in completely randomized block designs with four replications. Each trial had 13 treatments, three of them as checks. From these experiments it was possible to select the thirteen more promissing clones which were tested again in another trial in both localities, using the same methodology. Although none of the clones surpassed the checks "SRT 59 - Branca de Santa Catarina", "IAC 12-829" and "IAC Mantiqueira" in root yield, the "IAC 576-70" originated from the "SRT 797 - Ouro do Vale x IAC 14-18" crossing, had some good characteristics as sweet cassava. A new trial was carried out in 1983/84 at the Experiment Station of Campinas (CEC) comparing this clone to other sweet cassava varieties having as check, the cultivar "SRT 454 - Guaxupe". The obtained resulta showed that "IAC 576-70" presented agricultural and culinary advantages such as top plant architecture, productivity, Cassava Bacterial Blight (CBB) resistance, root appearance, time of cooking and flesh color (yellow) in relation to the sweet cassava varieties presently cultivated.
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