Clinical, biometric and ultrasound assessment of the effects of daily use of a nutraceutical composed of lycopene, acerola extract, grape seed extract and Biomarine Complex in photoaged human skin * Avaliações clínica, biométrica e ultrassonográfica dos efeitos do uso diário de um nutracêutico a base de licopeno, extrato de acerola, extrato de semente de uva e Complexo Biomarinho na pele fotoenvelhecida humana

BACKGROUND: The use of nutraceuticals has become frequent in the cutaneous approach to photoaging. OBJECTIVES: To assess the clinical efficacy of a nutraceutical product composed of lycopene, acerola extract, grape seed extract and Biomarine ComplexT in photoaged human skin. M ETHODS: 50 women, from 35 to 60 years of age, phototypes I to III, were assessed. For 120 days, they associated the nutraceutical product with the use of a sunscreen FPS15. On days 0 (D0), 30 (D30), 60 (D60), 90 (D90) and 120 (D120) they were evaluated and underwent Medical Assessments and Self-Assessment and cutaneous biometric analyses (corneometry, sebumetry and pH-metry) in the skin of the left zygomatic region and the upper medial side region of the left arm; on days 0 (D0), 30 (D30) and 120 (D120) the skin of the same regions was analyzed by ultrasound. On days 0 (D0) and 120 (D120) skin biopsies were performed in the areas where instrumental evaluation was performed (to evaluate collagen and elastic fibers). R ESULTS: There was an improvement of the general status of the skin of all volunteers by the Medical and Volunteer Self- Assessments; increased parameters of cutaneous hydration, reduction of pH, increasing of ultrasound density and a histological increment of colla- gen and elastic fibers (both on the face and arm); there was a reduction of seborrhea (only on the face) C ONCLUSIONS: The daily use of a nutraceutical product containing lycopene, acerola extract, grape seed extract and Biomarine
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